Title: Quantitative Researcher - AI/ ML Expert | Tier 1 Multi-Manager
Compensation: $300K - $500K Total Compensation
Summary: A newly onboarded Senior PM is set to spearhead a semi-systematic global macro strategy team build-out in New York. He is keen on speaking with Quantitative Researchers/ Research Scientist well versed with advanced AI/ML methods and as NLP skills are crucial - knowledge on working transformers model architectures that underpin GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer).
- Be well versed with advanced AI/ML methods and transform ideas into actual implementations.
- Take ownership over designing algorithms, prototyping them using python & running experiments, fine-tuning results from prototypes until they reach production quality.
- developing new strategies based on data analyses while also improving existing ones
- STEM PhD degree
- Relevant industry experience in finance or related field
- Strong understanding of Python programming language