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How to Make Your Virtual Interview a Success

Posted on March 2020

Over the past decade, more companies in Germany have been including video job interviews as part of their hiring process, especially in roles with remote applicants or those which attract a large number of applications. In light of the current coronavirus pandemic and most financial service professionals working from home these days, virtual job interviews are becoming even more common.

Live or pre-recorded video interviews are a simple way to continue the hiring process while social distancing measures are in place. And even once these are lifted again, virtual interviews are often easier and less expensive for both the hiring manager and the candidate, with the opportunity to review your answers and not just rely on notes taken during an in-person interview.

If you have a video job interview around the corner, it is a great idea to put some time into preparing your webcam set-up, testing your technology and practicing your body language, alongside focusing on your answers. Though video interviews are quicker and simpler than in-person interviews, there is still the issue of possible technical glitches and those who are camera shy struggling to โ€˜performโ€™.

This guide runs through all the practicalities you need to cover when preparing for a job interview. From choosing your location, testing your technology, ensuring you appear professional and confident, and what to do if something goes wrong. We have also included a useful checklist of everything to cover before and during your video job interview.

